There is much talk about fluoride, whether it is good or bad and whether it actually prevents cavities or not. And there are opinions on both sides of the argument. Here are some facts about fluoridation help, please come to your own conclusion before buying fluoride filter.

Before fluoride was used by dentists to fight decay, it was as an insecticide and rat poison used. A pollutant, fluoride is a byproduct of iron, copper and aluminum production.

Fluoride wasfirst American way of consumption in the 1940s and 1950s introduced. Believed to fight tooth decay, it has been supplied to drinking water. At that time thought that dentists for fluoride to be to swallow the most effective in the fight against tooth decay and cavities, it needs to be.

Since then, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has stated that fluoride), in fact most effective topically (direct contact with the teeth and) not systemic (from the start. This appliesfor children and adults. (SeeCDC, 1999, MMWR 48: 933-940). Swallow, is therefore not necessary, fluoride to fight cavities.

Although there is evidence that drinking fluoride will not benefit teeth, there are other confirmed impact on the intake of this chemical. Tests have linked consumption of fluoride injury to the brain, thyroid, bone and kidney. For example, in the 1990s, animal experiments were carried out with the same concentration of fluoride that is added to many water supplies. TheDementia, scientists found, such as impact on the animals.

Moreover, a recent study conducted by a team of Harvard scientists called fluoride with a kind of bone cancer osteosarcoma in men under 20. This cancer has a mortality rate of almost 50% in the first five years.

It is also of the American Dental Association recommended that babies be prevented fluoride, since internal tissues are damaged and they can suffer from permanent dental fluorosis.

In addition to healthconcerned, we get another fear from the fact that it uses hazardous industrial chemicals to water with fluoride, are) being the most common fluorine silica (FSA. This is a corrosive acid, and when combined with chlorinated compounds, bases lead in water pipes. FSA has linked to higher blood lead levels of children, which can lead to learning disabilities and behavioral disorders. Other industrial chemical used to fluoridate water are sodium silicofluoride and sodium fluoride. To seewhat chemicals are used to fluoridate the water supply near you, CDC this link.

With all these unhealthy links to fluoride, it is really the best that the chemical will continue to be added to the water supply?

It is true that dental caries has cases since the 1950s, when fluoride to water supplies have been reduced. But caries reduction applies to all Western countries, including many who have never added fluoride to water. There is no evidence that fluoridated waterthe cause of the decline in caries.

In Western Europe, 97% have chosen to ensure that no water with fluoride. Countries such as France, Germany and Italy, to name but a few, see fluoride as a choice rather than imposed mandatory. Fluoride is the only chemical added to drinking water for medical purposes. All other chemicals are responsible for the improvement of water quality and safety. Western European countries do not feel it is the responsibility of the Government of drugs for the population effect. They see this asthe medical industry's responsibility and therefore have fluoride in any way to those who want it.

Another argument against fluoride water is economical. Much of the fluoride is added to the water supply to be used in ways other than drinking water (ie washing dishes) flushing toilets and watering the lawn. It is a waste of money and an unwise use of government spending.

Fluoride in any form is a toxic chemical. People should be informed about the risks of consuming and shouldthen have the choice whether they want it in their system. To promote dental fluoride treatments, and most toothpastes contain fluoride. But both are warning that if swallowed could be dangerous and requires immediate medical attention. That alone should explain the dangers of these chemicals.

With all the evidence before us, the answer seems clear. Fluoride is harmful, especially in drinking water. Excessive amounts of fluoride over-exposure, and many people aretheir health is diminishing. These results are not worth the benefit entitlements.

An important question in connection with this problem is how to remove fluoride from drinking water supplies. If you want to avoid fluoride and you want your child or children to drink, how you go about how to obtain it from your water?

The average water purifier does not filter fluoride and it can take a bit of research, not to find one. There are such fluoride are filters, though. Some filter systemssuch as reverse osmosis to remove fluoride, but they are also very expensive and in addition to filtering out harmful chemicals, they also need good filters minerals the body from the water. Be careful if you receive after a fluoride filter that ensures elimination of the poor, with the good.

It is possible to have clean, fluoride-free water, without the bank. And as complex fluoride is harmful to you and your family, it is important that this toxin be removed from theirTo provide drinking water. Fluoride can and should be avoided for your family to live a healthy life.

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