On 8 November, the voters in the Los Angeles school district her testimony fourth will be live in the face, Measure Y. The $ 3.985 bond measure, the real estate is getting paid, taxes for the further planned expansion within the Los Angeles schools, so that on the current list of 160 schools are planned to be built from year to add 25 more primary schools 2012th Part of the money planned for other needs, such asnew school buses, repair and charter schools.

The other three bond measures passed overdue repairs Los Angeles schools, new construction and long that were. Classrooms were literally falling apart, and classes were overcrowded with too many year-round schedules for schools. The first to pass measures schools signed the current 160 on the list for construction.

Many people, however, wondered whether this fourth measure isare really needed. According to the Los Angeles Daily News, Los Angeles, traditional schools are slowly but steadily losing students from their rolls. Since the 2002-2003 school year, traditional Los Angeles schools, students have lost 4471. Los Angeles school officials, they expect another one this year decreased 4304. There are several reasons for this drop in enrollment.

First, you visit all 20 students in the election, a Charteror private school, rather than traditional Los Angeles schools. The 88 charter schools now enroll in the state of about three percent (about 200,000) of public school. About 35,000 of these students attend charter schools in the Los Angeles schools. The number of charter schools within the state continues to increase, 20 new charter schools planned for additional fall for it.

The CaliforniaCharter Schools Association estimates that ten percent of public school within the state will be the year 2014, charter schools by the year, perhaps with an even higher percentage in the Los Angeles area schools. They cite that the charter schools would have to triple the number to Listen to accommodate all students currently on the waiting list. With the smaller size and flexibility of charter schools, they can be implemented and created in avery short time, a construct in comparison to the large, traditional schools, Los Angeles, that it will take years.

The second reason for the dramatic decline in student numbers at the Los Angeles schools, the birth and lifestyle trends:

o Los Angeles County statistics show that hundreds of fewer children born in the county every year. The trend is expected to continue until the end of the decade.

o replaced upper-income singles and couples with few childrenNeighborhoods that were once inhabited by large immigrant families. With the rising real estate prices in the Los Angeles area schools, young families or families with many children, most can not afford to live there to decide to live move to areas with lower costs.

o In addition, according to researchers at the Public Policy Institute of California, is another trend smaller families with immigrant background. In its 2002 report, they show that after the first-generation immigrantFamilies in turn have smaller families.

Glenn Gritzner, special assistant to the Los Angeles schools, says the Los Angeles schools take into account the changes in demographic, but they are not critical enough to change plans to the school building. Gritzner that if school plans and trends / statistics remain on course to 2012 there are still plenty of Los Angeles 200 000 pupils in schools and portable classroomsovercrowded schools, Los Angeles left of. Plus, only the current trends, patterns that can change. Measure Y is definitely justified.

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