The small town of Volcano sits quietly in the hills of Amador County, California. If the weather is nice, tourists flock to the Old Town and some popular tourist attractions. One of the best known of them is Daffodil Hill, an old farm, densely planted with daffodils of many species. For several weeks each spring, the body breaks with riots of color and bloom, and the tourists come to picnic under the pines and the flowers. Small, quiet volcano was not always as it is now, onceyelled dig with the activity of thousands of miners for gold.
For time immemorial, the Indian around the side of the volcano had gathered acorns and pine nuts and took the deer and other game with which the hills in abundance. But when gold was discovered in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada, men rushed to California to get their share of the wealth. When the miners arrived in the volcano area, gold discovered in the mountains, gold on the flats, in the ravines, everywhere, gold, opens theRoads, influence, power and happiness. The lawn was torn up, shepherded the fertile soil of the ravine, and all that was left behind is unsightly pile of rocks, holes, mud and standing water. The hills were stripped of their graceful pine permeated into deep ravines, while the clear, pristine waters of the bay were turned on their channel, and led into the surrounding hills, carrying mud, sand and gravel, down to the farms in the valley .
These were the hillsTo volcano. Much of the mining industry was in ravine Soldiers ", with the dirt, the drag stream out for washing. A number of people make hand carts on which they transported the dirt. Finally, on a car has been tampered with, and with a yoke of oxen be easily rented for eight dollars per day. The Indians worked for gold in the Indian Gorge, hence the name was. In the first winter parts of the volcano, the cemetery found to be rich in gold, and the canyons were worked a lot deeper. It began willsuspected, or rather, learned that was the volcanic deposits of gold, at enormous, and that it extended to great depths. The party, Illinois, Green & Co., went to work mapped out on the floor. The surface has a reddish tone, apparently involving the laundering of the hill to the west. About eight feet from the surface they came into the gravel, which was so rich that they could pick out gold with his fingers. They carried the dirt on the bay, about two hundred yards, in buckets and washedin a rocking chair. They accounted for about one hundred U.S. dollars per day to the man, some of which coarse gold, with a piece valued at over nine hundred U.S. dollars (about 45 ounces). Henry Jones, L. McLaine, Fred Wallace, Dr. MK Boucher, Doctor Yeager, Ike West, Thomas, Ellec Hayes, and others who had claims in ravine Soldiers, "were enormously rich. A wagon load of dirt would be two hundred and fifty U.S. dollars Gold have in him. Sometimes a pan of dirt would contain five hundred U.S. dollars. men who never in their liveshad a hundred dollars would make thousand dollars per day. A member of the Texans would be one hundred U.S. dollars, depending on one day, and they play off each evening and come and broke their claim in the morning. That was her way of a good time, and gambling was a big part of the profits. Clapboard Ravine pay good wages to the miners, when washed, not as rich as gorge Soldiers ", which was pay-dirt easier, and found near the surface. Indian Canyon, was to be rich,especially at the top. The request had What a pile of earth was a few feet wide, that more than one hundred thousand dollars in it. Some of the gold was in a harsh tone, that the washing of each regular procedures defied found. Boiling it was found that the tone decay, and boilers were steamed in many places, so that they would be built to come apart. It was observed that when the sun would be too harsh, dry, crumble the clay, and drying yards, where the rich with gold dustwas dried and crushed.
Worked for several decades, the miners, with their gold-en treasure, but eventually played the rich deposits, and the miners left. The grass and the trees are slowly recovering on its territory. Now, a century after the miners left, you can only a few places, where the miners are exposed to see the holes, and left the pile of rocks behind them. Most of the original natural beauty of the area has been restored. So this spring, come and see the beauty and richGold rush history of the ancient volcano, California, and the beautiful flowers in Daffodil Hill.
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