The surest way to improve public education in this country is close to private schools. Invests parents, their children properly trained with manageable class sizes, innovative programs, inspired teachers have earned, and up to date facilities, would storm the gates of the public Schools are demanding better educational delivery. Given the current economic development and the growing challenges for parents to make tuition payments exaggerated, it really onlycould be true.

It will not happen overnight, but more and more private schools, living on the edge of equilibrium with tuition and staring are strong resolution on faculty, staff and programs. Some private schools have put a freeze on salaries, while others have only 2 percent of tuition, and others have cut staff and part-time faculty. Professional development funds have dried up, the principals are scrambling system with inventive ways toincrease government revenues and assets of the parents face demanding to know that they get their money worth in the classroom. Where private schools, the current economic storm?

The answer is yes, but it will not be easy. Given the shrinking state budget, California, as the most extreme case, public school classes, balloon, up to 40 per class in some areas. Budget Committee for "specials" like art and music will disappear, after school programs will no longer be able toabsorb the costs of childcare for working parents, and facility maintenance and improvement is disclosed in a further decline, without a strong boost from the massive stimulus package of education. President Obama has made the case for change.

He declared boldly that he did not come to Washington to deal with business as usual "more. Those are strong words, and many Americans bracing, with great anticipation to the opportunity of a clear overhaul of education, healthcare, and energy policy. But itIt will take time, and for the families at the seams, whether or not to make their payments for private school tuition can be torn, the president's plans to wait too slowly to himself. This is good news for private schools.

The sacred cow for private school families is education. Some parents will go into foreclosure risk, to ensure that they pay for tuition for their children. These parents know what is on the other side, if their children in private schools, mainly to keepin urban centers like Washington, DC, New York and San Francisco. President Obama has his daughters, the elite Sidwell Friends School, after all. DC Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee has decided to conduct a holy war on public schools, and she has the moral support and good wishes of many, while at the same time angry, deeply entrenched bureaucrats, the public schools of the community to a stack 10 cars have driven for years. It will simply not stand for something less thanexcellence.

In fact, their metrics for determining acceptable teaching lies precisely in the school where many private school families are - their children. When they are cold calls on schools, and to observe steps in the classroom teaching, she wonders whether she wants her own children in that classroom. If the answer is no, it's hell to pay for the teachers. Not surprisingly, the teachers unions will go to the barricades. But, Chancellor Rhee is doing only what private school parentsdo every day to ask - and demanding quality in the classroom. Of course, Chancellor Rhee has not been asked to donate hundreds or even thousands, of dollars to help run school, but she is invested in the education of their children and all children in the grossly under performing DC public schools.

Private schools have a unique opportunity to rise through the economic crisis. Because they are not bound by state standards, have class teachers with agreater degree of flexibility and design of curricula. Many private school teachers prepared to teach in such an environment, because they run freer to develop creative teaching. Private schools can also maintain a niche, choosing to highlight the needs of gifted students or to serve environmental responsibility.

Charter schools have the same freedom, which is why they are increasingly the school of choice in the urban centers. The classes are smaller and remain so. Even if the private school classes for the budget to swell suffering account, parents know that their children receive more individual attention. Many private schools, parents are invited to participate in the life of the school in productive, meaningful way, whether on the school committees and task forces, or running book clubs and mathematics for students.

Navigating the financial disaster prove more challenging for many private schools, especially for the> Schools, which primarily tuition-driven. Only very few have the talent ridiculously high numbers of Exeter and the schools have experienced a significant decline in their endowment funds. Financial support will be invited this year, the current mainly by the families who previously did not have to put in an application for aid. Schools are especially sensitive to these families, as many have been at the school for several years and more than one child registered.

Visitors, the annual appropriations will go on a cliff this year, and many schools make up amongst these extra dollar budgets. To increase the calls of the grant, with the dip in an auction and annual Central mitigate coupled dollars, schools can take several steps. First, they can offer you all service contracts and construction projects. The parties are desperate to keep their customers, and are more than willing to negotiate to obtain relationships sustain. Second> Schools can seek alternative revenue sources through the development of summer camp programs, and rental of facilities for business meetings, weddings, weekend, local sports leagues and clinics.

Third, schools can, with prudent budget and restraining spending classroom modest amounts of 10-15 percent. Fourth, the time is ripe to move into a more environmentally friendly direction, contain an electronic mailings and careful drawing of machinery and equipment in the night, at the cost of electricity.Fifthly, and perhaps most importantly, schools can systematize their communication in order to ensure that every family receives word about how their child is doing on a daily basis at school. Teachers, experts, administrators and employees can and should coordinate their efforts to build an even stronger connection with their families.

Private schools are not shut down tomorrow. The parents are still stretching to get their children into the outstretched arms of the independent schoolEducation. Even Oprah Winfrey is on board, and has taken the plunge with the beginning of the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa. Private schools can stand alongside the public schools, and with careful budgeting, smart messaging, and personal relationships, private schools can swim through the current fiscal waters and safe access to land.

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