www.wowyouarereallylucky.com It is easy to make a cheese ball instead of buying one. This recipe uses cheddar cheese but you can use any kind of cheese that you want. With cream cheese as the base any cheese will blend in nicely. Get the whole cheese ball recipe and other healthy recipes at: www.wowyouarereallylucky.com Deb Bixler is dedicated to making a distinction in people's physical condition through diet and wellness learning. Using good for you grocery choices and fun, fast and healthy cooking classes,Bixler teaches families fun, fast and good for you mealtime solutions so that they can spend more quality time eating good for you foods and live a long and healthy life. www.WowYouAreReallyLucky.com Bixler provides healthful living workshops to corporations, schools, organizations and not for profit groups. Programs are customized for each program taking into consideration special needs and circumstances of the organization. As a wellness living educator Bixler's cooking classes focus on fun, fast and health recipes and tips. Some of the many special needs cooking courses that she has created for organizations have included diabetic, autism, vegetarian, vegan, lactose intolerant, gluten free, heart healthy and more. Bixler gives healthy recipes for your attendees in attendance and a call to action so that the audience actually make changes in their lives. For good for you food ideas head over to www.WowYouAreReallyLucky.com In addition to healthy cooking events Deb ...
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