Radiology / X-Ray - a fascinating world of medicine and technology!

Did you know that X-rays were invented by accident?

In 1895, the German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen made a discovery, which he later called "X-rays, while experimenting with an electron beam in a gas discharge tube. X-ray found that a fluorescent screen in his lab started to glow when the electron beam was turned on. Roentgen's tube was surrounded by heavy black cardboard, so that itfurther, which could be investigated mysterious creatures to travel across matter. This discovery laid the foundation for what we do know that in the field of radiological technology.

Since early 1900, the use of X-rays in medicine is marked a huge shift in the way that patients diagnosed anomalies. Using x-ray imaging, doctors were able to look at internal structures of the human body to see bony structures, hollow organs and soft tissues without the use of invasive anddangerous surgical procedures. Today, the area includes the other technology Radiological diagnosis techniques and procedures, some of which use non-ionizing radiation. For this reason, the more precise terminology used for this branch of medicine Medical Diagnostic Imaging. The ongoing expansion of this profession and the variety of methods are used to diagnose it, the modern Radiologic Technologist tremendous growth in this area, both upward and lateralMobility.

The career potential is growing together with its learning opportunities. After having a successful completion of the classroom and clinical experience, training, graduates will receive state and / or national certification used as a Radiologic Technologist. After certification to work for a Radiologic Technologist in an acute care facility in a hospital or an outpatient setting or doctor's office. The technologist uses modern technology to create digital images ofX-ray facility, or in the emergency room, surgical suites and at the bedside. Some technicians to choose which mobile companies have made and to cover large geographical areas in vans equipped with sophisticated diagnostic equipment. Preparation for this profession is offered in hospitals, colleges and universities, and vocational schools and academies.

What else do Radiologic Technologists?

As an adjunct to screening, for example, theycould be prepared to drink a solution of the contrast agent for the patient so that the radiologist to examine some of the hollow organs and other dynamic structures within the body, such as the heart. Technologists are also used during endoscopic procedures, pacemaker insertions, in the operating room, emergency room, nursery and neonatal intensive care.

There are many other areas in which the expertise of an experienced Radiologic Technologist required. You can be involved in more compleximaging techniques, such as the cardiovascular interventionist procedures, angiography, mammography, bone densitometry, CT and MRI, to name a few.

A qualified radiographer, the creation of diagnostic images is both an art and a science. We use complex equipment and application of critical thinking in difficult weather conditions to create an image with a maximum of information while minimizing the exposure to the patient. It is very gratifying to play such a role in achieving our patientsHealth. In addition to preparing patients and equipment, we learn to lead, such as patients and customize and maintain equipment. We can also create work schedules, evaluate purchases of equipment, and finally was able to manage a radiological department. Medical Imaging is a splendid addition to the medicine in the world.

Radiologic technologists are never exposed only to the primary beam, but a small amount of derivative exposure within the occupational dose limits specified receiveby the government. Both technicians and students are given carefully monitored for radiation exposure, using various state-of-the-art monitoring equipment monthly read by specialized laboratories. Exposure is through the use of lead aprons, gloves minimized, shielding and other equipment. The changes today in relation to the growth of radiological specialization and in general diagnostic imaging are expected to move in the direction of upward and lateral mobility. There is a growing and expandingProfession.

A good analogy is a tree that grows and produces more and more industries, including diagnostic imaging, branches out into several areas, such as ultrasound, MRI, CT and X-Ray. It is a great area to be in, because you will never be boring. There are always more opportunities, more specialties that come up because of this growth and technological progress!

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