A new show called Katreya's Cuisines is coming to ChannelPoptropica. Katreya is a master chef and can cook amazing appetizers, entress, desserts, beverages, and can make edible arrangements. BIO: Katreya Ferlan is a master chef born in Salinas, California and when she was 14, her family moved to Santa Cruz, California, her family then moved to the small city of Sausalito, California. When she was 20, she went to a culinary school, Arts Institute, and learned all about cooking there. Katreya will make bite-sized tiny treats to a mega sized 6 layered choco-berry birthday cake. Her previous works at the institute gave her an advantage to making it this far in her carreer. She modeled once in the December 2009 InStyle Poptropica magazine and people became more interested about her. Katreya continues to making good meals and donated some money to the Feeding Poptropica and the Culinary Institute of France.
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