Threatened with layoffs and slowing the economy, many job seekers who want stability, they are turning to the health profession. The demand for nurses grows higher every year, come with an aging nursing force to retire and not enough new nurses into the profession. Nurses are areas that need public and private schools, hospitals, clinics, hospitals, prisons, psychiatric institutions and many others.

A degree in registered nursing open many doors. Registered Nursesare well paid and even higher paying specialized professions such as the Certified Registered Nurse anesthetist, which pays six-figure advance.

Unfortunately, there are so many people, the schools that care to get into nursing school now that there is a shortage of nursing students at many. It can take several years to get by in the traditional four years nursing schools and in the two-year associate degree programs offeredCommunity colleges.

However, if you are applying for the rare, coveted slots community college or four-year Bachelor of Science in nursing programs, there is another option that they are not going to tell you. And it's a great way to start working as a nurse much faster, while finishing up your RN degree.

The trick: Become a nursing assistant first. It is a one-year program if you have a full-time, one and a half years if you go to take a part-time program. Then, while youWorking and earning a salary as an LPN opportunities, take what is known as a "bridge LPN to RN program. Many community colleges offer these bridge programs in response to increased demand for nurses, and so do many online nursing schools. And at the community college level, there is a much shorter waiting list and waiting list for the LPN to bridge sometimes no program RN.

Where you can get an LPN degree? Many private "career colleges, technical schools and communityUniversities offer programs in Licensed Practical Nursing.

Check with your local community colleges to see what kind of LPN programs they offer and what type of waiting list you might face. If they have a long waiting list, search for private career colleges or vocational schools near you. Your state board of nursing is a list of all accredited schools of nursing in the state where you live, both public and private.

Here's a tip: If you are considering an online LPN toRN degree, with the State Board of Nursing to review to ensure that they accredit schools of the online school online degrees offer some interest to you that says some are accepted, but not in others. If your State Board of Nursing does not accredit the online LPN to RN program, as no matter how great the program, it is a waste of time.

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