Chef Lidia Matticchio Bastianich appears at the 2010 National Book Festival. Speaker Biography: Lidia Matticchio Bastianich is one of the best-loved chefs on television, a best-selling cookbook author, restaurateur and owner of a flourishing food and entertainment business. Her cookbooks include her most recent titles, "Lidia Cooks from the Heart of Italy" (Knopf) and "Nonna Tell Me a Story: Lidia's Christmas Kitchen" (Running Press Kids), as well as "Lidia's Italy," "Lidia's Family Table," "Lidia's Italian-American Kitchen" and others. She is the chef-owner of four acclaimed New York City restaurants: Felidia, Becco, Esca and Del Posto, in addition to Lidia's in Pittsburgh and Kansas City. Her Emmy-nominated cooking show on PBS has been a fixture since 1998. She always closes with the line:"Tutti a tavola a mangiare!" or "Everybody to the table to eat!" Bastianich lives in New York.

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