Spanish schools teach their students in Spanish, and those for the training taught in English must try to find out what is known as an international school. These international schools, and there are not few, are largely imitating American schools for the Americans and other English-speaking students.

Mandatory age for starting school in Spain is six years old. An elementary school is to educate all students for the dedicated The first eight years. At the age of fourteen years, students either register in a secondary education school or continue with the school trade. This is determined by scores of students throughout their primary education. Students who have completed, the first eight years of their training will receive a certificate, how much, what the Americans would call a school.

At the secondary level, students continue their academic training in the formal framework that can be equated with American High> Schools, while inclined students skills of the trade, describes the more than adequate to learn Vo-Tech School in the United States. There are different advantages and disadvantages of this type of system.

Before attending a school in Spain, the students must go through an interview process. Each student will come into the country, is required to show proof of many things, including their previous educational experiences. All preparations for entering the Spanish School from abroad should be maintained prior to arrival to avoid unnecessary and costly delays. Parents need to prove the residence permit, education, vaccinations, identification and a photograph of the child for school identification passes.

School schedules vary widely. You can go everywhere from a typical American school area with classes, 8:00 to 9:00 clock in the morning and close at 3:00 or 4:00 clock in the afternoon. OtherBreak> Schools, a two-hour lunch with the possibility of a return for this, but can run as late as 5:00 am the evening. Parents interested in their child should be on a Spanish school, double check the schedule before committing to any school. American children have a difficult time adapting to the expanded list of some schools.

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